UTMACS Seminar: Claire Taylor
When and Where
2022-23 UTM Annual Classics Seminar Series
"Comparisons: the case of manumission in the ancient Greek world"
Dr. Taylor has prepared a dossier for the discussion portion of the event, which can be obtained by contacting Prof. Chrubasik (boris.chrubasik@utoronto.ca).
The seminar will take place in hybrid format. The in-person event will take place in the collaborative digital research space (CDRS, read cedars) in MN 3230. The zoom link and password can be obtained by contacting Prof. Chrubasik (boris.chrubasik@utoronto.ca).
For those who have not yet attended a UTMACS seminar, this session is in two parts, consisting of (1) Dr Taylor’s talk (1:10–approx. 2:40 pm) followed, after a short break, by (2) a seminar-style discussion (3–4 pm) that focuses on the readings in the dossier (which include English translations of the ancient documents).