UTMACS Seminar: Alex Meyer
When and Where
2022-23 UTM Annual Classics Seminar Series
Alex Meyer
University of Western Ontario (Canada)
Title: Capturing the Vindolanda Stylus Tablets
Dr. Alex Meyer (Western University) will present a paper on Capturing the Vindolanda Stylus Tablets. The paper is followed by a discussion, which is titled Text, Metatext and Paratext of Roman Stylus Tablets, and Dr. Meyer has prepared a dossier. Both events will take place in hybrid format. The in-person event will take place in the collaborative digital research space (CDRS, read cedars) in MN 3230.
For those who have not yet attended a UTMACS seminar, this session is in two parts, consisting of (1) Dr Meyer’s talk (1:10–approx. 2:40 pm) followed, after a short break, by (2) a seminar-style discussion (3–4 pm) that focuses on the readings in the dossier (which include English translations of the ancient documents).
Please contact Prof. Boris Chrubasik for the dossier and Zoom link.