Rareș Ilie Marinescu

Postdoctoral Fellow


Name of Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoctoral Fellow in Classics (Ancient Philosophy)


As a postdoctoral fellow Rareș focuses on the reception of Plato's Laws X and proofs for the existence of god. After completing his PhD on Proclus' reception of Aristotle in Cambridge (2023), he was employed as a postdoc at KU Leuven (Belgium). Rareș is mainly interested in Plato, Aristotle and the Platonist tradition with a focus on topics in metaphysics, psychology, and philosophy of nature.



  • Proclus on Aristotle on Plato. A Case Study on Motion. Cambridge, in press.

Journal Articles

  • 'Aristotle on Platonic Efficient Causes', Elenchos 45.2 (in press), 1–25.

  • 'Only Half the Truth. Proclus on Aristotle's Deficient Metaphysics', Phronesis 68.4 (2023), 438–66.

  • 'Nature as an Instrumental Cause in Proclus', Apeiron 56.4 (2023), 673–92.

  • 'Plato on Self-Motion in Laws X', Rhizomata 9.1 (2021), 96–122.


PhD, University of Cambridge, 2023; MPhil, University of Cambridge, 2019; BA, University of Heidelberg, 2018