Arnoldus Van Roessel

Arnoldus Van Roessel

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Van Roessel
PhD Student
Biography : 

I was born in Ontario before being swept to milder winters in BC. There, I earned my BA and MA at the University of Victoria in Greek and Roman studies. My MA thesis considered how Pliny the Elder’s Natural History functions as a reference text and uses sources as part of a historical project. I have now returned to Toronto to study my PhD.  I have a variety of research interests with a main focus of Roman intellectual history in the late Roman Republic and early Empire and constructions of tradition and memory. I am also interested in the ancient history of animals, textual transmission, digital humanities, and contemporary reception of Classics in video games. I have recently provided some entries for the upcoming Tacitus Encyclopedia. Outside Classics I am an avid cook and enjoy walking my 5lb chihuahua.

Research Interests: Roman History, Intellectual History, Latin Palaeography

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