MA & PhD Applications due December 15th!

November 29, 2023 by Department of Classics

We are redesigning our graduate program to further support a diverse range of approaches to the field of Classical Studies. 

U of T still boasts one of the very largest and richest Classics faculties in North America, and we continue to expand.

We welcome applicants for next year's MA and PhD programs. The deadline to apply is December 15.

We especially welcome potential students from diverse backgrounds. Contact us about application fee waivers and other diversity fellowships.

For more information, visit the Prospective Graduate Students page, or contact the Graduate Coordinator, Professor Seth Bernard at

Fee Waiver Request for Diversity Applicants

We understand that the $125 application fee can serve as a barrier to some applicants. Because the fee is not charged by the Department of Classics itself, we cannot waive it. We also do not have the resources to pay for the hundreds of applications we receive annually without reducing the additional funding we currently provide to registered and newly admitted graduate students. To assist as much as we can, we offer a limited number of application-fee-waivers for students who identify as coming from under-represented groups. The deadline to apply for consideration is December 12th. For the application process, please see the attached flyer, and contact the graduate coordinator with any questions.

